Female Tempraments

In Psychology, 16 temprament models were developed by Prof. Gustav Carl Jung and finalised by Dr. Isabel Briggs Myer. This is an expansion of the four basic temprament models, i.e fire, water, air and soil.

Basic temprament models are below:

1. Choleric (fire) 

with the following traits:

leader or director, commanding, confrontative, challenger, stubborn, extrovert, defiant, dominant, alpha, realist, demand respect from others, assertive, controlling, tough, forceful, strong will, etc.

You can spot them by looking at their eyes, they have strong and challenging eyes.

2. Melancholy (soil) 

with the following traits:

patient, orderly, thorough plan, deep thinker, strategist, loyal, remember, attached, accurate, close minded, stubborn, critical, judgemental, hoarding, stingy, introvert, investor, love perfection, idealist etc.

You can spot them by looking at their eyes, they have sad eyes.

3. Sanguine (Air)

 with the following traits:

risk taker, boredom, forgetful, not loyal, easy going, popular, spending, shallow thinker, enthusiasm, extrovert, spontaneous, tester, impulsive, idealist, player, playful, etc.

You can spot them by looking at their eyes, they have tester eyes.

4. Phlegmatic (Water)

with the following traits:

submissive, weak, introvert, follower, need approval, giver, prioritize others, avoid conflict, peace, empathy, can't say no, make others happy, trustworthy, not sure what to do, calm, lack of passion, cool.

You can spot them, their eyes are weak no strength.

Expanded temprament models were developed by Prof. Gustav Carl Jung and Dr. Isabel Briggs Myer as follows:

A human may have primary, secondary, tertiary or even quartiery tempraments. The primary and the secondary tempraments will dominate a person's behaviour. You can spot women eyes and learn or try to guesstimate what are her primary and secondary tempraments. So that you can understand them. Visit the website to have a free test 


The explanation of 16 temprament models are below, taken from www.personalitypage.com. You can study the eyes of them by observing the photo under each type. Familiarize yourself with the combination of pirmary and secondary tempraments so that you can categorize the lady you are after. Once you categorize her, the bevhaviour may be much easier to predict.